"But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
Sunday, December 13, 2009
8 Weeks and Counting
I get to sleep in a sitting up position now which is just fantastic! (sarcasm added:)) It has been a bit of a struggle to even be able to sleep much less sleep well, but even a lack of sleep is so trivial compared to all of the potential problems pregnancy can present... so again I find myself trying not to grumble or complain about the aches and pains or the lack of sleep, because the Lord has been so gracious already through all of this that certainly these small things are nothing to complain about.
We are anxiously awaiting her arrival and get more and more excited as the days pass. It is crazy to think that in just 8 short weeks (ok like 4 short weeks and 4 really really really long weeks, I'm sure;)) she will be here! Our schedules are busy and we keep moving right along which is helpful, but she will be here before we even know it! We can't wait for what the Lord will continue to teach us through the next weeks and especially for what He will teach us as we learn how to be parents to this blessing of life He has given us. All Praise to Him!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I feel like we are using our new dog as practice for our new baby on the way. Whenever we are home, we are always playing with her and we always seem to have the camera close by because she just does some hilarious things. On this particular night, I was playing with her as she was trying to catch my feet. It kindof reminded me of that arcade game with the alligators and the big hammar you used to smash their heads. The alligators would pop out and you had to try and hit their heads. With bella, you'd taunt her with your feet until she popped out and you had to try and get them away from her. We are having a ton of fun with her... most of the time :) I will say, we have to work on learning how to go outside to go to the bathroom even when its rainy. On Monday, the weather was cold and rainy, and she decided that she did not want to step on the wet grass so instead she did all her pottying inside. Needless to say, she spent much of the day in her kennel in trouble which is really sad because it was her half birthday :) Anyway... here's a video of us playing.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Bella the Boxer... and Christmas too :)
We have wanted a dog for a long time but had decided we would wait. We started talking more seriously this fall about getting a dog, but again decided we would wait. Then the week before Thanksgiving, Nathan decided that he really really wanted a dog... so the search began. Our initial intent was to get a puppy from up by where my parents live, but after a little more searching we found a much better option. I think the Lord knew that having a brand new puppy plus a baby in 2 months would be a little (understatement of the century) too much. What we did find was a 5 1/2 month old puppy who is still a puppy but she is already partly trained and has such a natural good nature in her! We have added Bella the Boxer to our family. She is so very cute, and she has been great so far! We have had to work on a few things, but she is catching on quickly. We haven't had an accident in the house in several days now, and she will go by the back door and give a little whine when she needs to go outside... YAY!! She also only seems to enjoy chewing on things that are fuzzy... so shoes are not her first choice (unless they are my slippers) :). But we don't have many fuzzy things in our house (yet at least) so chewing hasn't been a problem... YAY!! She enjoys jumping up, but she is learning that she cannot jump on people and she is definitely learning she cannot jump up at the kitchen counter to check out the goods. She has learned that one the hard way. She loves to play and be roudy, but she settles down so fast and is very calm. We just love her! We're so excited that our little girl will be able to grow up with Bella... we think it will be fun for them to grow together :)
Now, Christmas is just right around the corner, or so it seems as everything with church musicals etc. is kicking into high gear! We did a little decorating of our own at our house this year which we very much enjoyed. We even indulged ourselves and bought a Christmas Tree. Our very first one (how cute :)). Bella was a good sport, and she even let us decorate her and she wishes everyone a Very Merry Christmas.