"But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
Thursday, April 22, 2010
"The Government Can"
Baby Party

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Desert May be Ugly...but...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
How Silly of Me!
Trying out the Bumbo

Monday, April 12, 2010
2 month check up
weight: 9lb 6oz
length: 23 in.
She is below the 50th percentile in all of those measurements, but the doctor was not concerned at all. He said her body is very proportionate for those measurements and her development thus far. He said she is "just a petite little thing" which is somewhat strange to me because clearly neither of her parents are "petite little things." I surely do not shop in the petite department, but so far she is (i.e. still wearing newborn clothes and swimming in 0-3 month clothes).
In regards to her strength, i'm sure she's in about the 750th percentile. When the doctor put her on her tummy to check out her back, she was pushing herself up with her arms to which he replied "oh my, look at that." When I told him she started rolling over 2 weeks ago he said "oh my, thats early! Not unheard of, but wow!" I've decided there must be something to be said for being over due:)
The past month has been nothing short of incredible! We are continuing to love being parents to this sweet little (and I mean little) blessing of ours! We have conversations with her all the time which go something like"
Makaela: "aaaahhhh"
Mom: "aaaaahhhh"
Makaela: "aaaaaahhhhh"
Mom: "aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh"
Periodically she'll go with another vowel sound :) She squeaks and squeals which is probably the most adorable thing I've ever seen. She just discovered a new toy up and grandma and grandpa's which they were so gracious to let us bring home with us! It's not a baby gym, but very similar and oh my does she ever love that thing! She will just lay under it and ooohhh and aaaahhh and squeak and squeal at those hanging plastic smiling stars :) She loves them to death and it is so cute!! I'm trying to get a good video of it to share because it will melt your heart :)
Thats about it for now. She's great. We love her. Over and out.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
We Are Dreamgirls
Nathan: "do you have any breastmilk in the freezer?"
Leanna: "no."
Nathan: "do you think you could pump some today?"
Leanna: "yes, how come?"
Nathan: "I'm taking you out for your birthday tonight."

So he was trying to be super mischievous on our way down...acting like he was going to exit at various places to try and throw me off (because I was sitting there thinking the whole way down about what we might be doing.) Since we had to dress up, I thought we might be going to a show of some sort, but could not figure out where. I knew if we were going to a musical in Palmdale, we wouldn't have had to leave at 6. I remembered Master's was doing their last performance of Forest Lawn that night (then I thought, he wouldn't take me to that for my birthday. that would be lame...how selfish of me! After I thought that, I then prepared myself to be very thankful incase that was what he had planned :)). But leaving at 6 would have been too late for that. I couldn't think of any shows in LA that were going on so I really was clueless. He finally did get off the freeway down in LA and I finally realized what show we were going to see when I saw the "Dreamgirls" signs. I loved that movie, so he took me to see the musical. So fun. Love the guy.