"But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
House Hunting No More
This will be short and sweet. We'll post some pictures later... but... WE BOUGHT A HOUSE! We are hoping to sign papers this week and close escrow at the end of April. We will definitely take before, during, and after pictures, kinda like what they do on HGTV. That way you will be able to see the incredible improvements (hopefully :)). Thanks for all your prayers. We are so excited!!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
House Hunting #2
So... we have started the process of our house hunting.... and maybe finished it? Yes indeed we did place a bid on a house today. It feels so very weird and crazy! But we are so excited for what the Lord has. We really love and want this house, yet, we are very content in knowing that it might not be the house the Lord has for us. We are still interested in a few others should this one fall through, but we can't wait to find out! For all 3 of you who read this... we thought you might like knowing that :) Pray for us as we continue in this whole house process thing :)
Crazy Hair
Last week at awana, we had crazy hair night. It was so much fun!!! So many of the kids came with such creative ideas to make their hair crazy. I tried my bestest to capture the greatness... but unfortunately my camera is malfunctioning. Most of the pictures are blurry, but I'm sure you can get the idea anyway :)

So there is sorta a funny story about my crazy hair. As I was getting ready to leave our house to go to awana, lo and behold I couldn't get out of my driveway because it was being blocked. When this happens, we get to go knock on all the neighbors doors and ask if they are blocking the driveway. So, I got to do this with my curlers in. Most everyone looked at me like I was completely ridiculous... which I am... but I was feeling pretty embarrassed. Needless to say, I felt much more comfortable when I got to the church and was in the presence of many others who were just as (if not more so) ridiculous :) Such as Nathan who looks somewhat like he stuck his finger in an electrical socket. :)
These were all the kids who had crazy hair.
So there is sorta a funny story about my crazy hair. As I was getting ready to leave our house to go to awana, lo and behold I couldn't get out of my driveway because it was being blocked. When this happens, we get to go knock on all the neighbors doors and ask if they are blocking the driveway. So, I got to do this with my curlers in. Most everyone looked at me like I was completely ridiculous... which I am... but I was feeling pretty embarrassed. Needless to say, I felt much more comfortable when I got to the church and was in the presence of many others who were just as (if not more so) ridiculous :) Such as Nathan who looks somewhat like he stuck his finger in an electrical socket. :)
Friday, March 6, 2009
Dreaming Dog
As long as we're sharing videos from blog to blog, I saw this on April's blog. It made me laugh so hard I nearly fell out of my chair. Its so worth the 23 seconds!!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Valentines Dinner
So even though Valentines Day was almost a month ago, we decided to have our dinner last night :) Nathan was actually deathly ill on valentines day (all weekend) so I went to a sweetheart banquet our church had by myself. Thats my sob story. So we decided to cook this great meal last night for our enjoyment. It was nice to enjoy an evening together at the beginning our our week before things get super crazy this week. Nathan will be gone at Shepherd's Conference for the rest of the week so it was nice to have our date nite earlier. Ok... here's what we ate. It was so good I felt the need to document it for you. And I've even included some pictures for your drooling convenience :)
I defrosted some very large and very thick New York Steaks. Yummy! Nathan BBQ'd those (in the dark with a lantern I might add). Another reason we are looking forward to buying a house...then we don't have to walk past 2 other houses to get to our garage (which has no lights) and grill. We are looking forward to walking out to our patio and grilling right there! Anyway... he did an amazing job for grilling by lantern light. Meanwhile, I cooked up a hashbrown potato casserole. So good. Recipe to follow. We also had cornbread and I even added asparagus (just for you, mom!!). We considered this the first real meal we've had. Mainly because this is the first time we have cooked any kind of steak in our house. We ALWAYS eat chicken :)
Here is the recipe for the Hashbrown Potato Casserole.
2 cups sour cream; 1 package (2 pounds) fully thawed hashbrown potatoes; 1 medium onion--finely chopped; 10 oz. package grated cheese (or really as much cheese as you want)
**Combine all ingredients and pour into a greased 9x13 pan. Bake covered at 350* for 1 1/2 hours. Uncover and bake additional 10 minutes. Optional: Sprinkle some more cheese on top before baking the additional 10 minutes.
I defrosted some very large and very thick New York Steaks. Yummy! Nathan BBQ'd those (in the dark with a lantern I might add). Another reason we are looking forward to buying a house...then we don't have to walk past 2 other houses to get to our garage (which has no lights) and grill. We are looking forward to walking out to our patio and grilling right there! Anyway... he did an amazing job for grilling by lantern light. Meanwhile, I cooked up a hashbrown potato casserole. So good. Recipe to follow. We also had cornbread and I even added asparagus (just for you, mom!!). We considered this the first real meal we've had. Mainly because this is the first time we have cooked any kind of steak in our house. We ALWAYS eat chicken :)
Here is the recipe for the Hashbrown Potato Casserole.
2 cups sour cream; 1 package (2 pounds) fully thawed hashbrown potatoes; 1 medium onion--finely chopped; 10 oz. package grated cheese (or really as much cheese as you want)
**Combine all ingredients and pour into a greased 9x13 pan. Bake covered at 350* for 1 1/2 hours. Uncover and bake additional 10 minutes. Optional: Sprinkle some more cheese on top before baking the additional 10 minutes.
House Hunting
I am just so very excited about this I need to share it with the world!!! Ok... my world... all 3 of you who read this :) Nathan and I are going house hunting on Saturday and we are so excited! We have some great prospects (at least from pictures online) and we are so eager to get into them and see what they are really like! We are praying that the Lord will make His will very clear to us in this process. Also, we are very blessed by our pastor and his wife. The Lord has allowed us to develop such a great relationship with them. They are like surrogate parents to us. They totally want to go hunting with us which is so great! We are very excited to have an extra set of eyes that have more life experience than we do and hopefully help us see things that we probably wont see. The Lord is so good! And we are so very excited! We'll keep you updated on our home-searching process!!!
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