Well, we found out today that we are having a baby girl. She was not shy at all in letting us know just exactly what she was going to be. In fact, she was maybe a little too "open" for my own comfort level. Something I can see we're going to need to work on. Here are a few pics of her from our ultrasound. I'm sure she will be precious. These pics are a little hard to see, but hopefully you'll enjoy them (all 2 of you who look at this blog :))
This is her in all of her glory. Putting it all out there for everyone to see.
Clearly... she is not a boy.

This is the profile they were able to get. I should add that the Dr. said she is stubborn... not sure who she gets that from. If anything, she gets a healthy dose from each of us :)

We are thinking either Leah Grace or Makaela/Makayla Rose. Any input? We are undecided cause we like them both so much.