Well, we found out today that we are having a baby girl. She was not shy at all in letting us know just exactly what she was going to be. In fact, she was maybe a little too "open" for my own comfort level. Something I can see we're going to need to work on. Here are a few pics of her from our ultrasound. I'm sure she will be precious. These pics are a little hard to see, but hopefully you'll enjoy them (all 2 of you who look at this blog :))
This is her in all of her glory. Putting it all out there for everyone to see.
Clearly... she is not a boy.

This is the profile they were able to get. I should add that the Dr. said she is stubborn... not sure who she gets that from. If anything, she gets a healthy dose from each of us :)

We are thinking either Leah Grace or Makaela/Makayla Rose. Any input? We are undecided cause we like them both so much.
I vote Leah Grace...I'm not sure why, but it's such a beautiful name. And I just seems like a big sister name. Then you could name your next daughter (of course if you have another girl someday) Makaela...because that one seems like a little sister name. :) Do you like my reasoning? It makes perfect sense in my head! tee hee. They are both great names, but my opinion is definitely Leah...now we shall see what my other half says...hmmmm :) Love yah! SOOO excited for you guys!
Congrats! I'm so glad you were able to see that you are going to have a precious little girl in a short time. :) We are very excited for both of you. Leah Grace has a lovely ring to it, but I'm sure you will get PLENTY of input from others as well. ;)
I really think you should go with Leah Grace. It's very pretty, and (I'm a psycho) your baby looks more like a Leah to me than a Makaela (that's a very pretty name too, though) and it just more suits what you've said about her personality. I think if you have another girl, you could name her Makaela Rose, but this one should DEFINITLEY be Leah. That just feels right. I agree with "The Johnson Family" in that it does sound like more of a big sister name, as well as more of a assertive name. Like it belongs to someone with more attitude.
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