weight: a whopping 10 pounds 1 oz (chunker she is!! :))
length: 23.5 inches long
**I just have to say at this point that a friend of mine from high school--his wife just had a baby on the 17th of July who was born at 10 pounds 1 ounce and 23.5 inches long. Can I just say I cannot imagine giving birth to Makaela now at her current size!!
Her weight and length both dropped on the percentile chart, but doctors still aren't concerned. Her body is all very proportionate to her weight. And, I've started to supplement with formula as well as cereal and baby food so she'll start putting on some pounds here before too long.
It is funny...her weight is so low for her age that she is no longer on the percentile curve...she is below it--but again no concern (on the part of the doctors of ours).
She has been sleeping on her tummy for about the last month which means that generally speaking she has been sleeping through the night--YAY!! Every now and then she wakes up because her pacifier falls out during shifting but for the most part she is sleeping a solid 8-10 hours.
So far she loves:
~Green Beans
~having her feet played with
~being tossed in the air (not too far, of course :))
and probably some other things i am not thinking of right now.

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