Last week was my first snake sighting. That took a while to get past. I've seen plenty of spiders in my lifetime... and plenty at our new house. Most have been daddy long legs (the only kind of spider I sorta can live with because they eat mosquitoes). The rest have all been measly garden spiders... until tonight.
We stopped back by our house to turn off our porch light... a wonderful sign of being done working there for the day. Low and behold, I spotted something that looked like a spider under our kitchen window. I thought... that's too big to be a spider. So I said to Nathan... "Is that a spider?" There wasn't much light but we decided it was and we'd get a better look with a flashlight. Once I got the flashlight outside, we brought this particular beast into the light and sure enough, a gigantic spider. And this was no garden spider mind you. The next most logical question regarding spiders in the desert was "is it a brown recluse or black widow?" Nathan said it looked like a wolf spider then reassured me that after an entire lifetime of living in the desert, this was definitely the biggest spider he had even seen with the exception of a tarantula. Comforting, right? It's good to know that after a full 25 years in the desert, your husband spots the biggest spider he's ever seen underneath your own kitchen window!! I really love our house and all, but i'm really starting to get concerned about living there....
First snakes, now gargantuas spiders... please let me never have to update you on what would be next... because I don't even want to know or encounter what would be next. Now I'm going to go shower and make that feeling of spiders crawling all over me go away :)
Yeah.....I totally would have peed my pants right then and there. Not even joking! I feel itchy just looking at the picture. :)
It is a good thing I didn't see that when I was there...oh, there would have been screaming! ;)
here is what you need, you need to find Samuel L Jackson to make sure your snakes don't get onto your plane, second you need john goodman to kill any spider in a 30 mile radius, and thirdly just to think ahead find Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, and the rest of the Ghostbusters because the only logical foe next is a giant Marshmallow man. Be prepared
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