I do have video of this, but will have to upload it later.

Christmas Day we had a lazy morning (oh so wonderful after the busyness of Christmas musical etc. at church). We hung around our house and eventually opened a few presents we had gotten for each other. Nathan got me a really cute and comfy nightie and robe from motherhood maternity that is made for easy nursing during the wee hours of the morning :) He also got me some body spray and lotion--it was really special because the scent was what I started wearing the day we got married and whenever I wear that scent the smell brings back memories of our wedding. Aw :) I got Nathan 2 sweaters and a body spray that he had said he liked. After we opened our gifts, we spent the rest of the day at his dad's house hanging with the rest of the family.
Us in front of our Mantle

Let's fast-forward to New Years (aka Board family Christmas). New Years Eve we headed up to my parents. Our family had decided to do Christmas together over New Years. Typically my family eats Mexican food on Christmas Eve, but since a few of us were with our in-laws for Christmas, they waited and we all had our big Mexican meal on New Years Eve instead. After that we did our traditional gift exchange with our cousins--there were 17 of us total. It was, as always, super fun with lots of laughs and much envying. Just kidding, but there was a whole lot of stealing going on. Nathan and I ended up with a game called "The Last Word", a Starbucks gift card, and an Olive Garden gift card. After much conniving, we each managed to steal the gifts we wanted and have them frozen so no one else could steal them.
17 gifts for 17 people... let the fun begin.

New Years Day was the Board Family Christmas. We again took it easy for most of the morning as some of my family scurried around trying to finish wrapping gifts and such. We watched A LOT of football (good thing we all like it!). Then we got to some gift opening. Baby fogde received some very cute and very comfy things that I am sure she will enjoy! After the gift opening was finished, I'm hoping what we did next will turn into a new tradition. We had a "build your own Calzone" for dinner. We had all the makings for delicious calzones and we all made our own. There was supposed to be a contest, however, the process of transporting the calzones from put together station to the cook them station was quite rough. Consequently some of our calzones turned out looking very mangled... good thing that was not an indicator of how they tasted. It was tons of fun and I really hope we do it again in the future!

whoever thought of this was a genius! (my mom)
it didn't look quite as mangled as some others did (like mine).
He was very proud because he truly did it all by himself
including rolling out the dough and sealing it all up in the end.
Good Job Honey! Now you can make them at home :)
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