"But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Oh Bella
She barks at nearly everything...and I mean everything...with the exception of people. Hopefully we wont need her as a watch dog because she loves people too much!! Some examples of things she barks at include:
- food/water dish
- large branches that have fallen off trees in the backyard
- rake
- shovel
- and my favorite of all...the sky. Yes thats right, she barks at the sky. Because we live so close to the base, we often have sonic booms and her response to such a thing is to bark at the sky because thats where that noise comes from.
One of our favorite and most hilarious things she does has to do with when she passes gas. Its a pretty raunchy smell so we have taken to having a febreez spray bottle close at hand. Bella does not like the spray bottle. It used to be that whenever she passed gas, we'd spray the bottle to help mask the smell and she would run away from the bottle. Now, we don't even have to get to the spraying part before she runs away. When she passes gas, the perks her head and ears up real fast...looks back toward her rear end (as if she was saying "what the heck was that?!?!") then proceeds to quickly look at us (with the most guilty look I might add) and run away from the place of the incident.
She is afraid of nearly all the baby paraphernalia around the house and will run away if we put any of it near her (including the bags of dirty diapers). Anywho...here is a video of a boxer who is barking at/seems to be afraid of a little white jewelry box...something I could see Bella doing.
This video is will also give you a great idea of what Bella would do. This dog named Stella (maybe Bella's long lost cousin) is barking at the lawnmower. Bella doesn't bark at the lawnmower, but she does bark at the vaccuum and try to bite it while I'm vaccuuming.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
~3 Months~

Cooking with Mom
Safety note: I did slide the bumbo all the way to the back of the coutner, and I was close by at all times to make sure there were no accidents. She was hardly moving around though... I don't know that I've ever seen her sit so still. She just stared and stared with such intensity. It was so fun to see :)