"But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
Friday, November 19, 2010
3 Year Old Conducting the 4th Movement of Beethoven's 5th Symphony
Our Little Cheerleader
9 Months!!
Going back to the whole "mama" and "dada" thing--most of what comes out of her mouth is "guh". Occasionally she does utter sounds that sound like "mama" and she will occasionally say "da" as part of "dada". Sometimes even after Nathan sas "say dada" she will say "da". But there is one thing she knows for sure--and thats the dog. We've talked before about how much Makaela loves Bella, but now she tries her hardest to say "dog". It still comes out "guh" buts its a VERY definitive "guh". When she see's Bella she says "guh". When we say "Makaela, say dog" she says "guh" with much excitement and gusto! She knows dog but she just has not put together the right consonants yet :)
She loves--all fruit except Bananas. She liked them at first, but not currently a huge fan. She loves all veggies except for Avocado--which she did enjoy at one point. I think she is just getting picky :) She obviously loves Bella :) She loves to follow us anywhere we go. She loves strangers (uh-oh). She loves everyone at church. She loves to play peek a boo. And she loves lots of other things too--mind is just drawing a blank at this point.
Anyway, just wanted to update you on her stats :) Video of our little cheerleader coming soon :)
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Trip to Cali

So, here Darren and I decided to try and get a picture with all 3 girls. We have 1, Emma, who will sit still for a picture and smile at the camera. We have 2, Addy who is learning so much that she is enthralled with everything around her. We have 3, Makaela, who is faster than the speed of light and to get her to sit still without crawling to me for a picture is a miracle. Darren got a different angle of this shot, but I think for now we both failed at getting on with all 3 girls looking at us smiling that wasn't blurry :) So for now, this is as good as it gets.
One last thing, a video of Makaela with the star toy at grandma and grandpas. :) Thanks mom and dad for the trip and can't wait to see you at Christmas!!
Bella Vs. Nathan
Bella Vs. the Curtain
The noise at the beginning of the video is the episode of Dancing with the Stars that we were currenty talking about. I think I should just develop a once for all title for posts about Bella. Any ideas?
Our Lip Smacker
Kisses for Mom
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Our Love Bug

Makaela loves to smile for the camera, however, she was a bit confused to see the blinking light on the camera with no one standing behind it. Hence--confused look and no smile :)
Hello Fall, welcome to our home :)