Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

18 Months

I know I say this almost every time, but I can hardly believe we've hit the 18 month mark! Where has the time gone?!?! We are absolutely loving this age! We're having so much fun with Makaela and all her talking and decoding some of her language :) We just had her well-baby check up and got all her stats! She's had several growth spurts in the last few months (for her height, at least).
Weight--22 pounds 7 ounces--around the 25th percentile
Head--47cm--also around the 25th percentile
She seems to hang out around these percentiles for these two categories :)
Length--32 inches--around the 57th percentile! What?!?! Where did that come from? What I realize is that now she is finally hitting an "average" height but it seems so big compared to her 18th percentile and 22nd percentile from before :) The doctor said if she continues to grow at that rate she will probably be about 5'5". I told Makaela that's not allowed because then she'll be taller than mommy :)

Other things that are new are:
Extended Nap Time--this is mommy's favorite! She goes down between 12:30 and 1:30 and is usually in her bed until between 3:30 and 4:30. Wonderful time for mommy to have uninterrupted productivity!!! yay!
Her talking/words have really just blossomed in the last 3 months. I think around 15 months she had about 3-5 words down and now she says more than we can count--she is above average in that category :) She talks all the time and she is hilarious! She doesn't talk in sentences yet, she will occasionally babble out the sound of a sentence, but otherwise she doesn't speak in sentences. But the girl can talk and repeat anything and everything she hears!!
She has started to recognize and remember people which has been super fun! She talks about our friends Travis and Rosie Larsen ALL THE TIME! She also talks about our youth pastors kids as we see them almost every day for a walk. They have 3 boys, and she knows all of them by name. She is also recognizing grandmas and grandpas, aunts and uncles, and cousins in pictures and saying their names.
She currently counts from 1-10 by herself followed by "yay" after she says ten :)
She also can do almost all of the abc's skipping just a few here and there. I'd say she gets about 20 of the 26 letters.
She sings parts of twinkle twinkle little star--with a distinguishable "how I wonder what you are"

I think that's most of the update on her. She is going to be so disappointed when the weather turns yucky and we can't go on a walk like we do nearly every day right now!! But she loves being outside. We're having tons of fun with her right now and are so thankful for the ability to communicate relatively easily with her. We're also just so thankful for her!! She continues to be a joy and blessing in our lives and we can't thank the Lord enough for blessing and entrusting her to us! We're praying for her to come to a saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from an early age as we strive to train her in the ways of the Lord. Such a huge responsibility we've been given and we are thankful for the Lord for his graciousness and lovingkindness to us as we learn how to parent :)

Only by His Grace..........................

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