On Friday we had our 2 week check up and the doctor said everything is looking good. She lost about half a pound when we left the hospital, but she was back up to her birthweight plus one ounce :) She shrunk 1/2 inch from birth... not really. They think she was measured wrong at birth because it technically should be a 2 person job, but thats not usually what happens. So she was actually a little shorter at birth than 21 inches, and she measured 20 1/2 inches at her appointment. Everything else is looking good and she's falling right around the 50th percentile in her growth categories so far... although I do think she is ahead of the curve in some areas. She has practically been holding her head up since birth and her neck continues to get stronger and stronger! She will also use her legs to stand up herself if we squat her down. Its amazing! The first time I squatted her down with my arms under her shoulders, she used her legs to push herself up into a standing position and then proceeded to stand for many seconds. Maybe she will be walking by the time she's 6 months... I hope not. The sooner she becomes mobile, the more work my job takes :) But we are just loving every minute with her and are having so much fun watching her grow and change each and every day.
My parents were the most incredible blessing to me and us the first few days they were here after her birth. When we finally came home on saturday, we walked into a house that was spick'n'span. I'm usually a very clean person, but I think my house was cleaner than I've ever gotten it to be myself! My mom and dad cleaned everything from top to bottom so we could come home to a clean house which I so appreciate because they know how well I CAN'T function in a messy house. They continued to serve us in so many ways.
Saturday night was our first night at home with Makaela, and as probably expected, it was quite challenging. Not only was it challenging with the baby, but Nathan had responsibilities at church on Sunday morning, and I didn't want him to be bothered or burdened by anything crying baby related so he could hopefully get a little rest to function. My mom had offered to take Makaela whenever I needed her to, but I felt bad going to her so soon. As I think about it now, I know it was some of my own pride in feeling like I should know how to do this and I didn't want to have to rely on someone so experienced so soon. Shame on me. I don't know how to do this, and I'm learning day by day as we go along. After about 3 hours of trying to console Makaela on Saturday night, I finally went to my mom sobbing. She graciously took my crying daughter and said "sweety, this is what i'm here for. Next time I want you to come to me before you get to the point of tears." Oh sweet outpouring of grace! It had to be around 4am when I disrupted my mothers sleep, but she lovingly and graciously took Makaela so I could try and get some rest also. The next night around 11:30 my mom woke me up and told me it was about time to feed Makaela. She told me to go feed her and when I was finished to bring Makaela to her. She was so sweet and was so concerned for me that I get some rest so I would be able to hopefully function once she left. I brought Makaela to my mom around 1:30 or so and my mom did not bring her back into me until almost 7:00am. WONDER WOMAN!! that allowed me to sleep for about 5 hours which I was so thankful for!!! This was just one of the many ways my mom poured her love and care out on me and us while she was here. She also made many meals for us to have once meals from the church stopped coming. Oh my sweet sweet mom served us in ways that I cannot describe. I told her she was God's love and grace tangible in our lives as he used her to pour out his blessing on us. I love you mom!!
Can I go on a little longer? I know I spoke so highly of my dear Nathan in my last post, but you have to realize that was only during our short time at the hospital. I could go on forever about the lst 2 1/2 weeks at home!!! I have seen my husband be a servant more than I ever have before. I have seen him serve in more ways than I ever have before. From the moment we walked through our door, he has done nothing but love and serve me even more than before and he has done all of this without a single complaint. During my first days of nursing and trying to get everything figured out, he was so faithful in coming to check on us and see if I needed any help or needed anything in general. He has pitched in above and beyond with even just the normal housework, and if he comes home from work and I'm feeding Makaela, he jumps in to do whatever needs to be done to get dinner ready to go. His servant heart has just exploded over the past few weeks. It is hard for me sometimes because I am such an independent person, and I have a hard time letting people serve me, but I know he desires to love me and serve me and this humbles me and forces me to not be so prideful in trying to do it all. Who knew that his servanthood would cause me to see my own sin in my pridefulness. Christ is the ultimate example of humbly serving, and my husband has striven to follow this example. In his efforts, I have seen Christ in him, and because of this he has pointed me toward Christ. I continue to love him more everyday and I am so excited to go through the journey of parenthood with him. Even more than going through parenthood together, I am so excited to see him father and lead Makaela as I have seen him lead me. It is my prayer, and it is our desire to honor Christ with this blessing He has given us, and as I see my husbands growth in his leadership, I know that he will continue to lead us this way as He follows and serves Christ himself. My beloved Nathan, I love you so much!! Thank you for your endless servant heart attitude and for setting that example for me.

"So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is( Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:1-11
1 comment:
Sooo precious Leanna! Thank you for sharing your heart and what the Lord has been teaching you, and how you have been served and loved by both your mom and Nathan. It is SO neat to see the Lord shine through others...what a privilege to get to understand more of who Christ is through what we see in others, especially our own husband!!! Love you and praying for you as you continue to serve your husband and daughter !
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