Makaela says "dada" "mama" "baba" "guh" "naynay" (why Nathan already gets Naynay and Dada, I have no idea. It's not like I'm the one who gave birth to her) :) Totally just kidding. Its so cute :) She did once say "dog" as well as "God". She still doesn't know that I'm mama and Nathan is dada, but she says dadadadadada all the time. It used to be guhguhguhguhguhguhguh, but has changed. She also added hand motions and she just flops her hands/wrists when she is sitting and saying dadadada.
The tricky thing about catching video of her doing things now is that the instant she hears the camera, she knows what it is and she races over to us and puts on a big ol' cheesey smile. So most videos, we now have to encourage her to continue what she was doing before because we can't actually catch her in the act anymore. :)
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