So, way back in November (which feels like it was way back) we were forecasted "few snow showers". If by few, the weatherman meant a few inches, than yes, few snow showers :) Enough to keep us house bond for a few days as the snow and ice piled up making the roads a little too tretcherous for us to brave. Nathans mom was with us, and due to the weather he ended up staying home a lot more than he had planned. Also, due to the weather we didn't get to go out and do much fun sight-seeing, but hopefully next time she comes there wont be a snow storm.
The snow started falling Sunday right after we got home from church and continued to fall through Monday night. Monday night also found us with no power (which we understand is a very common thing up here). Our power was out for several hours, but came back on sometime in the middle of the night, thankfully. A good portion of the homes where we live were without power through Wednesday and even Thurdsay!! Thankfully ours came back on so quickly. It was a fun adventure to say the least :)
Here are some pics :)
The snow started falling Sunday right after we got home from church and continued to fall through Monday night. Monday night also found us with no power (which we understand is a very common thing up here). Our power was out for several hours, but came back on sometime in the middle of the night, thankfully. A good portion of the homes where we live were without power through Wednesday and even Thurdsay!! Thankfully ours came back on so quickly. It was a fun adventure to say the least :)
Here are some pics :)

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