Hello dear friends. It has been a while since I've posted anything, and I'm sorry. Our computer has been less than cooperative for a while, and now the keyboard is following suit. So I apologize for any silly spelling mistakes or lack of spaces between words. I will try to correct them as I go, but I make no guarantees :)
I thought since Makaela is officially 8 months now, I should post about her 7 months ;) I suppose I will just mesh them together in this post. (by the way, there will be a whole slew of videos to follow as they get uploaded). I must admit, my pictures of Makaela have turned into videos of Makaela because she is so active it seems like there is so much to catch! Plus I know that family who is far away (which is all of them) would probably prefer to see video of what she is doing. I have a few still shots that I'll throw in but mostly just video.
Like I said...she is so active there is so much to catch! After scooting like an inchworm for months, she finally decided she wanted to crawl for real. This started happening Monday, September 20th (and I really only know that because we were at a hotel when it first happened). I of course did not have my camera nearby, but eventually i caught her in the act--which reminds me--she totally knows what the camera is and she (probably like most people) stops what she is doing when she sees the camera. Thus, I have to be a little more sneaky or have Nathan around to help encourage her to continue what she was doing.
Lets see--she crawled for about a week before she was bored with that and immediately started trying to pull herself up on things. The first several times resulted in little tumbles but now she has mastered the art of pulling herself up. She crawls right over to the couch--one hand goes up--followed by the other hand and then she is standing--just like that. I'd imagine that before too long she will be bored with that and will move on to trying to take her first steps.
We have started to get into the age of discipline (oh boy). So far, she has responded extremely well (I do, however, know that it will not be this easy all the time). For the time being, if she is touching or in the process of starting to touch something that is a "no touch" I say her name and snap my fingers--she looks at me, and then I say no also using the sign language for "no" and she stops. Easy peasy, right? Not for long, I'm sure. But for now, I am extremely thankful for how well she has responded to discipline, and I pray that in the future as I know it will become more challenging, the Lord will give me grace and strength.
She is wearing mostly 3-6 month things now and few 6 month things (although they are still big on her). I had to finally retire all of her 0-3 month and 3 month clothes. She seems to be growing so much but I guess that's what all those solids do :) Speaking of solids, I have started making my own baby food--well not my own, but making it at home for Makaela :) It has taken her a little while to adjust to the different texture, but she is doing really with it for the most part. She hasn't eaten anything she hasn't liked--except for the texture of the homemade food which she is more used to now. She loves eating green beans, peas, carrots, squash, avocado, sweet potatoes, and she just had her first taste of fruit last week--peaches. Man oh man did she love those! I've never seen her open her mouth so big!!
As always we love her dearly, and while she does test our patience sometimes, she continues to be such a joy in our lives! We are looking forward to a visit with grandma and grandpa at the beginning of November and a visit from Nana over Thanksgiving. Before we know it Christmas will be here and we will be with all of our family which we are greatly anticipating! Love to you all--and I promise to post videos once they are all loaded :)