"But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
Sunday, December 13, 2009
8 Weeks and Counting
I get to sleep in a sitting up position now which is just fantastic! (sarcasm added:)) It has been a bit of a struggle to even be able to sleep much less sleep well, but even a lack of sleep is so trivial compared to all of the potential problems pregnancy can present... so again I find myself trying not to grumble or complain about the aches and pains or the lack of sleep, because the Lord has been so gracious already through all of this that certainly these small things are nothing to complain about.
We are anxiously awaiting her arrival and get more and more excited as the days pass. It is crazy to think that in just 8 short weeks (ok like 4 short weeks and 4 really really really long weeks, I'm sure;)) she will be here! Our schedules are busy and we keep moving right along which is helpful, but she will be here before we even know it! We can't wait for what the Lord will continue to teach us through the next weeks and especially for what He will teach us as we learn how to be parents to this blessing of life He has given us. All Praise to Him!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I feel like we are using our new dog as practice for our new baby on the way. Whenever we are home, we are always playing with her and we always seem to have the camera close by because she just does some hilarious things. On this particular night, I was playing with her as she was trying to catch my feet. It kindof reminded me of that arcade game with the alligators and the big hammar you used to smash their heads. The alligators would pop out and you had to try and hit their heads. With bella, you'd taunt her with your feet until she popped out and you had to try and get them away from her. We are having a ton of fun with her... most of the time :) I will say, we have to work on learning how to go outside to go to the bathroom even when its rainy. On Monday, the weather was cold and rainy, and she decided that she did not want to step on the wet grass so instead she did all her pottying inside. Needless to say, she spent much of the day in her kennel in trouble which is really sad because it was her half birthday :) Anyway... here's a video of us playing.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Bella the Boxer... and Christmas too :)
We have wanted a dog for a long time but had decided we would wait. We started talking more seriously this fall about getting a dog, but again decided we would wait. Then the week before Thanksgiving, Nathan decided that he really really wanted a dog... so the search began. Our initial intent was to get a puppy from up by where my parents live, but after a little more searching we found a much better option. I think the Lord knew that having a brand new puppy plus a baby in 2 months would be a little (understatement of the century) too much. What we did find was a 5 1/2 month old puppy who is still a puppy but she is already partly trained and has such a natural good nature in her! We have added Bella the Boxer to our family. She is so very cute, and she has been great so far! We have had to work on a few things, but she is catching on quickly. We haven't had an accident in the house in several days now, and she will go by the back door and give a little whine when she needs to go outside... YAY!! She also only seems to enjoy chewing on things that are fuzzy... so shoes are not her first choice (unless they are my slippers) :). But we don't have many fuzzy things in our house (yet at least) so chewing hasn't been a problem... YAY!! She enjoys jumping up, but she is learning that she cannot jump on people and she is definitely learning she cannot jump up at the kitchen counter to check out the goods. She has learned that one the hard way. She loves to play and be roudy, but she settles down so fast and is very calm. We just love her! We're so excited that our little girl will be able to grow up with Bella... we think it will be fun for them to grow together :)
Now, Christmas is just right around the corner, or so it seems as everything with church musicals etc. is kicking into high gear! We did a little decorating of our own at our house this year which we very much enjoyed. We even indulged ourselves and bought a Christmas Tree. Our very first one (how cute :)). Bella was a good sport, and she even let us decorate her and she wishes everyone a Very Merry Christmas.

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Feeling Good
It's crazy to think that I'm only 11 weeks away now (or maybe less). At my next doctor appointment, they should decide wither or not they are going to do an ultrasound to gain some more accurate measurements and see if she really is measuring big. I can definitely tell she has grown... I feel her move all the time. And I mean all the time... morning, afternoon, and night. Sometimes in the morning, Nathan will have his hand on my stomach, and he just lays in bed and laughs. It's been so fun... although as she starts to pack more of a punch/kick, i'm sure it wont be as fun when those punches and kicks are directed toward my ribs.
I have been so blessed to have such an "easy" pregnancy. I've been able to stay very mobile (even though the mobility is starting to become more uncomfortable), and I've managed to avoid most sickness all together. I did come down with a cold a few weeks ago, and when I was feeling so miserable, I realized how much I had taken for granted the ease of this pregnancy so far. I am so thankful to have continued to work (as its been available) and teach piano lessons. The Lord has definitely gone far beyond blessing me during this time. I'd even say its been fun. SHHHHH Don't tell anyone that :)
More updates to come as we get closer. And as I close, I will just say that since I gained no weight at this appointment... bring on Thanksgiving.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Update on Baby Fogde
We/I am continuing the process of the nursery. Got the bedding in the mail and it is SO SO SO ADORABLE! I love it :) Now I'm looking for material to recover our rocking chair as well as make some window seat cushions. I have a whole smattering of baby girl clothes all over the floor in the room because we received all of the clothes from our niece who was also born in early Feb. We will be getting our crib on Friday. We received that from Nathan's mom and step dad via their in-laws. They bought it practically brand new at a yard sale, so we just need to make sure we have all the parts to put it together (there are no directions) :) But things are coming along and I'm getting more and more excited as they do.
Lastly, I saw her punch out my stomach this past week. I was laying on the couch and I saw this really quick protrusion and I thought, I'm pretty sure that was a hand or a foot or something. It was because she did it several more times. Not the complete "alien belly" yet, but she is definitely letting us know she is there :) T minus 116 days, but whose counting anway? :)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Ladybugs All Over
Well, for those of you who utilize ebay... there is also a whole bidding process. I actually had to have my parents bid on it for me because I was not going to have access to a computer when the bidding ended, and they were outbid by only 80 cents. Sad times!!! Well, the following day, I went searching for it again just to see if this store had listed another set. Low and behold they had! Still same price and all!!! I was able to win the set for a mere $61.00. I am so excited about the set, and so excited for her room. I had to tell you all of this so that when you see the picture, hopefully you will love it as much as I do :) Here it is!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009
Daddy's Little Girl
This is the profile they were able to get. I should add that the Dr. said she is stubborn... not sure who she gets that from. If anything, she gets a healthy dose from each of us :)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
All the Single Babies
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Hicksville Rosamond
Monday, August 31, 2009
Living in a Smoke Screen

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Washington and a Wedding
A little vinegar anyone?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
How Long Can You Hold Your Breath
Friday, May 29, 2009
Along Came a Spider and Sat Down Beside Her...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
House Renovation Update #1
and how hard it was to get off!
- Officially closed on May 14th (my good friend Lane's birthday). We got in and started working on Friday May 15th (my good friend Bridgey's birthday). We worked for a good solid 3 days on nothing but taking wall paper down. So much fun!! May I just advise anyone who looks at this blog to never put a shred of wall paper up in your home... don't ever do that to anyone else who might live there after you. It's just downright torture.
- Spent most of the following week painting and continuing to take down wallpaper.
- Thursday we had a few friends from church come and lend a hand... including our good friend Marj, who was our lifesaver and godsend when it came to getting the tile out of the front entryway. Nathan worked for a good 2 days on that tile and finally got it out thanks to Marj lending us some very helpful power tools. Thursday night, Nathan's dad came and ripped out all of our lovely mauve/pink/rose/ugly carpet and started on the padding underneath.
- By Friday, all of the carpeting was out, the tile in the kitchen was gone, the tile in the entry was working on being gone, our padding was all out, and we were preparing to lay down our new flooring on Saturday morning.
- Saturday we had a lot of helping hands thanks to our families. Some of Nathan's family came and helped out by painting, cleaning my gross blinds, and laying down flooring. All of my family came at some point on saturday, and they were put to work painting, taking down wall paper and various other tasks.
- Sunday--by sunday evening the flooring was completely installed in our hallway, kitchen, and large living space. Nathan worked on taking the linoleum out of the bathroom so flooring could be installed there too.
- Monday found us finishing up the rest of the flooring (it was completely finished on Monday!!!) as well as moving out of our apartment. We got everything moved into our house (all in the living/dining area) and my old college roommate emily helped me get our apartment all cleaned up. She was such a huge help!!!
So here we are in this week planning on doing some more work this week/weekend. Saturday morning we have carpet installed in our 3 bedrooms, along with the rest of the baseboards in the bedrooms. That will pretty much take care of it for our renovations. Then the fun begins trying to get everything unpacked and settled in. A few projects will remain, but over the summer should be completed. We need to get tile for the Master Bathroom, get quarter-round for all of our hardwood flooring in the kitchen and bathrooms, and relax and bask in a job well done :)... oh yeah and massages and pedicures and manicures to try and restore our bodies to a normal state.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
It was my parking spot
The Blood Song
There's a Snake in my Boots

Monday, April 27, 2009
Official Anniversary
After the service, we went to Claim Jumper for dinner and really splurged... we had giftcards!! :) Then we came home, and what was on the counter but the infamous top layer of our wedding cake. Yes I had saved it, and Yes I pulled it out to eat some of it. Now, I've heard of this being really disastrous but I thought that maybe since it was a homemade cake... it might have held better? Well, Nathan didn't enjoy it that much... he said he didn't like it. To me, it just tasted like cake that had been in the freezer and had been thawed out. I still ate my piece, and am still living to tell about it today so I think that all in all it was OK :) Good work on the cake, mom! Cream Cheese frosting was even still delicious! We had also planned to watch our wedding DVD, but left it at our house. Instead we watched the movie "The Breakup" Perfect movie to watch on your anniversary, right? :)
Well, again our house-sitting stint ends today, so I'm signing off for now... and for a while. Who knows when I'll have access to the internet again :)
A Whole Year of Marriage
1) We are definitely in escrow... set to close the first week of May. (unless our lender can work really quickly despite the set-backs from the escrow company). If he does work quickly, we might close as soon as this week, but it is not likely. But we're looking to close within the next 2 weeks sometime... which means that packing has officially begun! We have taken nearly everything off our walls, which looks very strange. We have packed pretty much our whole "catch all" room. Just a few misc. things left. I think I will start working some in the kitchen this week. With any luck, in the next 2 weeks, we'll be able to take down all the nice nice wallpaper, paint, and rip out that nice rose pink carpet :)
2) We've had a great time house-sitting for our Pastor and his wife again. They were off to the Carolina's and we always love house sitting for them. We get the luxuries of internet, a comfy bed, big screen TV, and watching/taking care of Toby... their dog. Our little vacation away from our house ends today, and we'll go back to our apartment which now has nothing on the walls.
3) Here's the big news. NO we are NOT pregnant. We celebrated our 1 year anniversary this weekend! We can't believe that a year of marriage has gone by so quickly! Our actual anniversary was on Sunday, but we mostly celebrated on Friday, knowing that Sunday would be busy with church etc. So, let me tell you about a day that will never be forgotten:
- Friday morning we ran all kinds of errands. Eventually our errands left us at Costco getting gas so we could go down to LA. Our final destination was The Grove.
- Before we got to the grove, we planned on going to a few discount flooring stores in LA to do some price checking for doing the floor differently at our new place. We decided not to go to the first place because it was about 90 minutes out of the way. Our first stop was at Tile & More in Paramount. Just a small store, but we did find something we love.
- After leaving Paramount, I was navigating our directions to take us to the next store... H Discount Flooring or something like that. I guess we were feeling brave because this place was in East LA. As we were approaching, Nathan ever so calmly said "let's not stop there" as he kept driving. We were in the heart of East LA...oops. Nathan suggested we just keep driving around which led to a very nice tour of east LA for me. Finally I said, "get me out of here! Can't we go to Beverly Hills or something??" After driving through downtown LA, we finally made it up closer to the Grove and drove around for a while in Beverly Hills.
- While in Beverly Hills, we decided to seek out a few places. 1) the Walsh house from 90210. 2) West Beverly High from 90210. and 3) the Peach Pit from 90210. We've been watching old episodes of the show :) All that to say, we literally went from rags to riches and ended hanging out and having dinner at the Grove.
I have pictures, but of course I didn't have my memory card in my camera while I was taking them so they are on my camera, and of course my USB cable is packed so I can't share them right now. But sometime... who knows when... I'll upload a few pictures from our extravaganza.
Friday, April 10, 2009
New Blog
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. 1595 square feet. Its on a 9000 sq. ft. lot which is already landscaped (although dying right now). It has a hot tub (don't know if it works) and a great brick corner fireplace. We plan to rip out the carpet, and take down all of the wall paper (yes even the wallpaper in the bathroom which is already peeling off the walls). We're so excited! We'll keep you updated...

So, i'm not usually this retarded... but the wind was blowing my hair in my face and I was trying to get it out of my face. Before I knew it, nathan's aunt had already snapped the picture. Owell.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
House Hunting No More
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
House Hunting #2
Crazy Hair
So there is sorta a funny story about my crazy hair. As I was getting ready to leave our house to go to awana, lo and behold I couldn't get out of my driveway because it was being blocked. When this happens, we get to go knock on all the neighbors doors and ask if they are blocking the driveway. So, I got to do this with my curlers in. Most everyone looked at me like I was completely ridiculous... which I am... but I was feeling pretty embarrassed. Needless to say, I felt much more comfortable when I got to the church and was in the presence of many others who were just as (if not more so) ridiculous :) Such as Nathan who looks somewhat like he stuck his finger in an electrical socket. :)
Friday, March 6, 2009
Dreaming Dog
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Valentines Dinner
I defrosted some very large and very thick New York Steaks. Yummy! Nathan BBQ'd those (in the dark with a lantern I might add). Another reason we are looking forward to buying a house...then we don't have to walk past 2 other houses to get to our garage (which has no lights) and grill. We are looking forward to walking out to our patio and grilling right there! Anyway... he did an amazing job for grilling by lantern light. Meanwhile, I cooked up a hashbrown potato casserole. So good. Recipe to follow. We also had cornbread and I even added asparagus (just for you, mom!!). We considered this the first real meal we've had. Mainly because this is the first time we have cooked any kind of steak in our house. We ALWAYS eat chicken :)
Here is the recipe for the Hashbrown Potato Casserole.
2 cups sour cream; 1 package (2 pounds) fully thawed hashbrown potatoes; 1 medium onion--finely chopped; 10 oz. package grated cheese (or really as much cheese as you want)
**Combine all ingredients and pour into a greased 9x13 pan. Bake covered at 350* for 1 1/2 hours. Uncover and bake additional 10 minutes. Optional: Sprinkle some more cheese on top before baking the additional 10 minutes.
House Hunting
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Wii is Worthwhile
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The Closeness of a Family
After many conversations with my grandma and the doctors, it was decided that the best things for Grandpa Bob would be to move him to what is called comfort care. There he is resting peacefully and is no longer on any medication. He remains on a morphine drip to help ease the pain as his body slowly allows nature to take its course. The doctors expect him to pass within the next day or two. Because of the nature of his accident, he is in a non-responsive state. I cannot imagine the pain my grandmother is in as she sits with him desiring to communicate with him in his last days, but he is not able to do so. I cannot imagine the pain my dad is in as he was able to say goodbye before he passes, but have no response. Today is my dad's birthday, and I'm certain that he didn't plan on spending it beside his father talking with him and remembering life with him all the while, having no actual conversation. I was so encouraged today by our youth pastor, Brian, as he reminded me to take comfort in knowing that our God is a just and righteous God, and he is in control of it all.
The Lord has been so very gracious in all of this! On saturday, my brother Nathan, my husband Nathan and I, and my sister were all with my parents. We had come up to spend the day/weekend with my dad for his birthday--having no idea about the news the Lord would be presenting us with. It was such a blessing to be there with and for my dad as he received this news on Saturday. I don't know what could be sweeter in a time like that than being surrounded by all but 2 of your kids; having all your kids love the Lord; and being able to sit down as a family and approach the throne of God together to lift up one another in the challenge and struggle presented. God's grace was made known once again as we were able to encourage one another through prayer and remind each other of God's faithfulness and sovereignty. How awesome that God knew exactly what would be going on this day, and that we were able to be there with my parents for it.
Lastly, I have found great encouragement in my dear sweet church family. I shared with our sunday school class what was going on and they have been so faithful to pray and check in to see how things are going. I appreciate that so much! This situation was shared Monday morning at the church office, and as all the church staff met together to talk about their weeks, they also spent time praying for my family in this time. Then they were sure to come to me in genuine care and concern and see how I was doing and take interest in how my family is doing. The same thing happened at the Elder meeting on Monday night. Lastly, this morning I received a phone call from my dear sweet friend, Bev. She is the Pastor's wife and I shared this news with her sunday night. She was such a great friend as she held me while I cried... then called me today just to tell me she had been thinking about me and praying for me and my family. And she wanted to know how things were going. This is the essence of the body of Christ, and never before had I felt so genuinely loved and cared about by a church family. Someone even called and offered to pay for a plane ticket for me to fly up. I cannot thank the Lord enough for the church He has so sovereignly placed us in. The events of the last 2 days have been such a tremendous blessing to me and all I can say is our church family has truly been an extension of God's love and comfort. I can see so clearly from them and through them the love of God. Praise Him!!
Monday, February 2, 2009
"Where the Nails Were"
Our choir is starting to prepare our musical for Easter. The musical itself is called Raise the Crown. There is one verse of one song in particular that I cannot seem to get out of my head. Probably because the lyrics of this particular verse apply so much to everyday living. So as I was doing my bible study this morning, I was reminded of God's faithfulness in protecting us believers because He has promised to. As I was reflecting on this promise, I was reminded that none of it would have been possible without Jesus Christ's work on the cross. It is only because God sent his very son to die in my place, and shed blood for my sins that I am able to be part of this covenant relationship with God. This is what brought the lyrics of our one choir song to mind. May we strive to never take for granted what Jesus Christ did; and may we strive to never take for granted the love of God that he would make such a sacrifice--all for having a personal relationship with sinners who are so unworthy of His love and grace. But because of that love and grace, we are privileged to have that relationship and should always be living in light of the cross.
Here is that verse... I hope it is an encouragement to you!!
At times I am tempted to overlook your grace
Thinking I'm worth the love You've given.
I walk like I'm earning the right to run the race
Somehow forgetting you died in my place.
Still it isn't long before I've stumbled
One look at the cross and I am humbled.
It should have been my hands where the nails were
It should have been my feet where the nails were
It should have been my side that was opened,
my heart that was broken.
It should have been.
An Awesome Story
Sunday, February 1, 2009
This one was entitled "Always check your children's homework before they go to school." Enjoy!!
Dear Mrs. Jones, I wish to clarify that I am not now, nor have I ever been, an exotic dancer. I work at Home Depot and I told my daughter how hectic it was last week before the blizzard hit. I told her we sold out every single shovel we had, and then I found one more in the back room, and that several people were fighting over who would get it. Her picture doesn't show me dancing around a pole. It's supposed to depict me selling the last snow shovel we had at Home Depot. From now on I will remember to check her homework more thoroughly before she turns it in.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Happy Birthday Nathan!!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
We've Conformed
We heard from someone at church that Toys'R'Us had Wii in stock and they had just bought theirs. On Thursday night after we ate dinner and were watching an episode of House Hunters, we began to think about what we should do on our one free night... our "date night." I said I thought we should take a field trip to Toys'R'Us to which Nathan replied " I was just thinking that like 2 minutes ago" Our fate was decided... or the fate of the wii... i'm not sure which. So we did conform and bought a wii this past week. It has been very fun despite the sore arms and shoulders from bowling and tennis. I've even stepped outside my comfort zone and played baseball!
Yesterday, we played a few rounds of golf (the only way that Nathan will ever play gold, I might add) and I discovered I missed my calling in life. I was quite accomplished until the 9th hole where there are 3 different island/cliff things you golf from. That took my score from 0 to + 12 or something like that. All that to say, I still beat Nathan at golfing (currently the only game on wii I can beat him at!). Then last night we joined our friends from church (the ones who notified us of Toys'R'Us's secret wii stock) and we played wii fit with them. Throughout the day I have been noticing different area's on my body that are feeling a little bit sore that weren't before so I suppose that what everyone says is true. I was only on the fit for maybe 10 minutes and it did its job. Its job (combined with a pretty out of shape me) made a very compelling argument for purchasing a fit but we will hold off on that. Maybe we'll go against the traditional 1st year anniversary gift of paper. Or maybe the paper gift will be the receipt from the wii fit? I just don't know but we are really enjoying our wii.
Wii Fit Tip: From what I understand, Wii Fit is about 10 bucks cheaper at costco than anywhere else so if you are in the market... you might look there :)
Over and out for now... Mii (personalized wii character) is calling my name :)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Out Motivation of Love
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Counsel One Another
January 20, 2009
Christmas and New Years both came and went without any pictures on my part. OOPS! There were so many other camera's out and around I just never got around to having mine out. But we spent Christmas and New Years with my family and had a really fun time. We played with the newest addition to our family, Emma our neice, a lot. She was tons of fun!! To see a few more pictures from the holidays, you can see April's blog or you can also visit Nathan's blog. They both have pictures up... mostly of Emma because she was the highlight of both trips :)
Now life has just gotten back into the swing of things. Busy as always but enjoying it all! The Lord has continued to be faithful in blessing us as the new year has started. It is always so awesome to just step back and look at everything the Lord has provided!! Priase Him!